解決方案諮詢專線 : 886-02-22186500

Solution Hotline : 886-02-22186500




Definition of Stakeholder:

The definition of stakeholders is internal or external groups or individuals that have an impact on the organization's operations or are affected by the organization.According to the above principles, including employees, shareholders/investors,customers/consumers、original manufacturers/suppliers, etc.


Issues of Concern

Communication channels and response ways



Employee Welfare

Employee Appraisal

Employee Performance

Employment Relation

Corporate Image

  • Chander has formulated relevant employee welfare measures (including salary, vacation, and other benefits, etc.), and will reflect operating performance or results in employee remuneration.
  • Internal websites or newsletters:announcements on employee welfare (physical examination/group insurance), the latest updates from the Ministry of Labor, and employee performance reviews each year.
    • Labor-management meeting irregularly

    Contact:Ms. Tasi




Major matter

Sustainable Development   Strategy

Risk Management

Shareholders participation

Operating performance


  • Announcement:announcements are made through the TWSE market observation post system such as corporate governance、financial reports and clarification in response to the media reports.
  • A shareholder's meeting is held and an annual report in Chinese and English is published annually.
    • Establish a spokesman system as a contact person.

    Contact:Mr. Huang


Customers /Consumers

Information Security

Product Quality

Customer protection and communication

    • Our product website and service hotline are made available.

    Contact:Mr. Tsai


original manufacturers/suppliers

Corporate Image

Information Transparency



    • Visit suppliers irregularly or hold meetings to discuss product delivery time, supply quality and other information to feed back to suppliers

    Contact:Mr. Tsai


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